
Opelousas Football Camp Hosted by Former Student Devery Henderson

By Liz Auzenne July 13, 2018

As the end of summer draws near, many look to the near future, to the start of football season.  Whether it be high school, college, or professional, they all bring excitement to those who are playing and watching.  Recently I got a glimpse of what many of us look forward to each year.  "The Boys of Fall"

This past Saturday a well known former Opelousas High student, Devery Henderson, held a football camp for aspiring future players.  The former Saints wide reciever held this annual camp at no cost, for those who attended.  The young men were given t-shirts, certificates, and a day of fun that some will never experience.   Watching these young men, it was hard not to think, "Which would be next to win a Super Bowl?"