
Fancy Nancy Bonjour, Butterfly

Written by Jane O'Connor; Illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser

By Madlyn Zaunbrecher February 21, 2017

In keeping with my article about connecting generations, I thought I would suggest a children's book that subtly does the same.  We LOVE Fancy Nancy at my house!  Emma loves her because she dances around in tiaras and tutus all day long.  Faith thinks she is hysterical. I, personally absolutely love the way the author incorporates so much vocabulary into the stories!  Fancy Nancy likes to be fancy.  She pretends to speak French, because she thinks it's fancy.  She dresses the part every day for sure!  And, she loves to substitute ordinary words for those that she feels are "fancy".  

In this particular story, Nancy experiences many emotions, as she does in most of the books, but in the end has a wonderful experience with her grandparents.  Both the stories and the artwork are fabulous in all of the books (we own many).  If you are looking for the perfect birthday (or Easter) gift for a young girl, you can't go wrong with a Fancy Nancy book!